Global warming
Global warming comes from almost everything we use, even if is indirect. appliances use fossil fuels, cars do to, the machine that made your blanket, your chair.
When CO2 is released int the environment it gets gets trapped by the atmosphere creating a greenhouse effect; but we have thrown the balance by putting to much CO2 into the air trapping more heat. Temperatures have risen, endangering our planet and organisms that live here.
In order to really change our planet, we must reduce the amount of carbon admissions that are being put into the atmosphere. And is we did this it would be purely beneficial to the United states because this would create more jobs helping our economy while helping our environment
In order to really change our planet, we must reduce the amount of carbon admissions that are being put into the atmosphere. And is we did this it would be purely beneficial to the United states because this would create more jobs helping our economy while helping our environment
Many people ignore this and believe there isn't anything you can do. What they don't realize is that there is so much you can do, and if everyone took action then we could make a difference in this world. Just changing you light bulbs to florescent could save as much as the exhaust of 10million cars for a year. Recycle, and buy recycled paper to support the recycling market. Less people buy goods made from recycled paper because they are more expensive, but if people bought more recycled goods, they would become cheaper. You can also reuse old containers and buy reusable/metal water bottles.
We need to raise awareness, still some people don't believe in global warming. if the whole world contributed we could make a difference.