Monday, November 22, 2010

Global warming

Global warming comes from almost everything we use, even if is indirect. appliances use fossil fuels, cars do to, the machine that made your blanket, your chair.

When CO2 is released int the environment it gets gets trapped by the atmosphere creating a greenhouse effect; but we have thrown the balance by putting to much CO2 into the air trapping more heat. Temperatures have risen, endangering our planet and organisms that live here.

In order to really change our planet, we must reduce the amount of carbon admissions that are being put into the atmosphere. And is we did this it would be purely beneficial to the United states because this would create more jobs helping our economy while helping our environment

Many people ignore this and believe there isn't anything you can do. What they don't realize is that there is so much you can do, and if everyone took action then we could make a difference in this world. Just changing you light bulbs to florescent could save as much as the exhaust of 10million cars for a year. Recycle, and buy recycled paper to support the recycling market. Less people buy goods made from recycled paper because they are more expensive, but if people bought more recycled goods, they would become cheaper. You can also reuse old containers and buy reusable/metal water bottles.

We need to raise awareness, still some people don't believe in global warming. if the whole world contributed we could make a difference.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

picture book research

Recently, the New York state senate voted on a bill to legalize same sex marriage. Unfortunally, this bill did not pass the votes were 38-24 in favor of killing the bill.

Sadly democrat's could not gather enough people to out way the others, and some republicans that would have voted for the bill backed out because they were fearful. New York is now one of the 31 state who have not passed this bill. out of 36 states. this appalls me because there were at least 5 republicans that muttered no while choking back tears, because of publicity.

"I am angry, I'm disappointed, I'm sad, I'm let down, I'm betrayed, but I am not going away." says assemblymen Tom Duane; who sponsored the bill.

But others are also trying to make it and be accepted in society. young LGBT's are being teased and harassed everywhere, but finally there are people standing up for them. the "It gets better project" has quickly made a name for itself. using videos and logs to show gay, lesbian,bisexual, and transgender teens that they are not alone in this, and that it gets better.

Even president Obama has made a video to show his support for the troubled youth. reaching out to LBGT youths. It's time to take action, teens are being abused because of there sexual orientation, because of that teens are committing suicide! This cannot pass the world by, we must show them that, that isn't the only way out,and that it only gets better from there.

there has been news of a new bill that bans the bullying of LGBT kids. this is a serious matter, children and teens have committed suicide because of it.

So many sympathize but cannot do much, take the pledge at, to show you care.

Saturday, November 13, 2010


today the moon
looked like
the smile
the Cheshire cat left behind
because he just

today the moon
looked like
the quarter of an orange
that a child puts in her mouth
to make her parents

today the stars
looked like
silver raindrops
falling because
somebody shook them out of the

today the sky
looked like
the sea
foamy and gurgling
because the wind blew so strong
it caught the

today the sky was gray and empty
today the were no stars
today the moon hid
tucked away in a
velvety black blanket

Monday, November 8, 2010

Story of a Girl

Everyones story is different, and everyone goes through different things, problems, "expirences" that mold their life, and their personality.

When is it okay to admit to yourself that what you did id wrong? this question haunts the main character in Story of a Girl, she know hat everything is wrong but was she sexually harassed?

She doesn't know. She was thirteen, he was seventeen, illegal but on her own free will. So many people around the world are raped and sexually harrassed everyday. Every one worries about what would happen, if it were to happen to them.

For Denea that is herr reality, as it is for so many others. sometimes i feel as if there is something I could bedoing. But at the same time, I feel as though there is nothing left to do except sit o the th sidelines and watch the horrible truths of our world unfold.

 Maybe there is something you can do, just making people aware is a start. In the book her father finds them together, but instead of protecting her, he is ashamed and walks away from the daughter that needs him. He leaves her when she needs him most, and he doesn't even know what happened.

She could of been being raped, and  he left her to fend for herself. When you try to forget about something like this, you are not solving the problem; only ignoring it.

When you pretend something didn't happen, it still did. You are just blocking it out, trying to ignore reality because the make believe world is so much better then the real one.

But it doesn't have to be with this, if you face the problem, and accept it, help others around you. It won't haunt you, you can live free.

social issues fill this world

where do you go
when your head is full of horrors
where do you go to escape this
this world

float around me

but I am stuck
to everything around me
I can't run
I can't even begin
so i turn away

like we all do
when we can't face
whats killing us inside

so I choose to face
to hang on
to try

so desperately
I see people walk down the street, but nothing ever changes
because this is how they see the world

But not how I see it